30 March, 2008

A love story....

It all started on 26 December 2004-Tsunami strike Malindi! People in the countries struck by it considers it "dooms day", but not for one particular baby male hippo....

How it all began....
All family of hippopotamuses disappeared in that terrible wave, except for a baby hippo, who was found stranded on the reef. Subsequently, the crowd named the hippo ‘Owen’ in honor of the volunteer who tackled him to the ground.

However, Owen didn't seem to appreciate the favour of the volunteers who rescued him at all. Being extremely afraid of the crowd of people, he instantly ran to the safety of a giant tortoise, named Mzee, when he was being released in Haller Park,Kenya. Mzee, a 130-year-old tortoise, just happened to be nearby and he was very surprised by Owen's odd behavior cowering behind him as a baby hippo does to its mother. Mzee quickly came to terms with his new friend and even returned signs of affection. Mzee follows Owen around, nudges him to go for walks, initiates play in the water, and even stretches his neck out so Owen can give him a lick. The unusual relationship between this baby hippo and the ancient tortoise amazed people all around the the world and has been featured in most countries' television and newspapers.

Since then, they continue to spend their days together in the pond, feeding and patrolling. They are inseparable. Very cute, huh?

But in May 2006......
The authorities at the park began being concerned that Owen's affection for Mzee may lead to an unintended injury (as Owen is now nearly twice the size of Mzee) and constructed a new enclosure at the sanctuary for Owen. They also introduced a new female hippo, Cleo, to allow Mzee's return to the safety of his original enclosure. But will this work? Will Mzee and Owen find three is a crowd? Will Mzee be traumatised by being separated from Owen?

(Summarised by Geok Ling and Michelle, based on references from various sites)

Food for thought: If a hippo and a tortoise, from two extremely different species, can come together and be best of frens, why couldn't we humans (presumably more intelligent) from different races and background come to terms with each other? (Ironically, seems like animals know better then humans, what a shame! Nature sure have its own story to be told...)

If want to know more, kindly visit the following link:



Anonymous said...

I was touched by such the strangest story i have ever heard. How come a baby hippo can closely befriend with an old tortoise, right? However, it is proven by the real-life fact that happened during the Tsunami. Thanks for sharing! It is such a wonderful and amazing true tale. Additionally, i was attracted by the photos, too. They're so cute!

Anonymous said...

It is miserable as baby hippo will leave Mzee one day~

Anonymous said...

It is so amazing to see the surprising behaviors showed by some animals. I still remember I have seen a story of a monkey and a cat that also like to stay together most of the time. We normally find that the creatures can easily become friends and live with each other peacefully when they started this relationship since one of them is still young. As human with high intelligence, we maybe have to learn from them by always be nice to people around us. Don’s always treat each other in a suspicious and hostile way.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised when I saw my dog enjoy playing with rats...such a strange behaviour!Right? Perhaps, we should say that pets can befriend with other kinds of animals more easily...and may be they r not as "complicated" as humans.

Anonymous said...

Recently, just watched a tv news about the dog who never wanted to part with its frens, lamb. it's pretty touching cos wen ppl tried to separate the two of them, each of them will be very sad and will cry so that they meet each other. pretty touching scene.