30 March, 2008

A love story....

It all started on 26 December 2004-Tsunami strike Malindi! People in the countries struck by it considers it "dooms day", but not for one particular baby male hippo....

How it all began....
All family of hippopotamuses disappeared in that terrible wave, except for a baby hippo, who was found stranded on the reef. Subsequently, the crowd named the hippo ‘Owen’ in honor of the volunteer who tackled him to the ground.

However, Owen didn't seem to appreciate the favour of the volunteers who rescued him at all. Being extremely afraid of the crowd of people, he instantly ran to the safety of a giant tortoise, named Mzee, when he was being released in Haller Park,Kenya. Mzee, a 130-year-old tortoise, just happened to be nearby and he was very surprised by Owen's odd behavior cowering behind him as a baby hippo does to its mother. Mzee quickly came to terms with his new friend and even returned signs of affection. Mzee follows Owen around, nudges him to go for walks, initiates play in the water, and even stretches his neck out so Owen can give him a lick. The unusual relationship between this baby hippo and the ancient tortoise amazed people all around the the world and has been featured in most countries' television and newspapers.

Since then, they continue to spend their days together in the pond, feeding and patrolling. They are inseparable. Very cute, huh?

But in May 2006......
The authorities at the park began being concerned that Owen's affection for Mzee may lead to an unintended injury (as Owen is now nearly twice the size of Mzee) and constructed a new enclosure at the sanctuary for Owen. They also introduced a new female hippo, Cleo, to allow Mzee's return to the safety of his original enclosure. But will this work? Will Mzee and Owen find three is a crowd? Will Mzee be traumatised by being separated from Owen?

(Summarised by Geok Ling and Michelle, based on references from various sites)

Food for thought: If a hippo and a tortoise, from two extremely different species, can come together and be best of frens, why couldn't we humans (presumably more intelligent) from different races and background come to terms with each other? (Ironically, seems like animals know better then humans, what a shame! Nature sure have its own story to be told...)

If want to know more, kindly visit the following link:


29 March, 2008

All for the love of their dog....


It was love at first sight. When Katherine Hawkins, an eight-year-old girl from Atlanta, first saw Rocky’s picture on the Internet, she just fell in love with this golden retriever who was looking for a new home.
But Rocky needed surgery because he had been hit by a car and his previous owners had never treated his broken leg.
Without ever meeting Rocky, Katherine started to raise money to pay for Rocky’s surgery. She first gave up her allowance and then started selling cookies.
Katherine’s mother said, “You cannot resist a little 8-year-old girl holding this envelope saying would you please give money to help this dog that’s been run over.”
This motivated young girl raised over $1,000 dollars which was about half of what Rocky’s surgery would cost.
Adopt-A-Golden, where Rocky was staying, was so impressed with Katherine’s efforts that they knew that she would make a loving and caring owner for Rocky.

Kate Jackson of Adopt-A-Golden said, “She had done so much research into the golden retriever breed. It was her idea to start raising money to take care of his operation, so when it came time for Adopt A Golden to look for someone to help with the recovery, we couldn’t think of a better person.”
After Rocky’s surgery, he was able to go to his new home and he even got a new name, Tanner. Katherine said he wasn’t a Rocky because he was so sweet.
Katherine’s mother added, “I kept reminding her, you’re 8-years-old, and look what you’re doing, you’re changing the world for a dog.”

(Contributed by Emily, adapted from Itchmo:News for cats and dogs)

Amazing, huh? A girl as young as that even go that extend for the very thing she adores...

What a dog owner thinks of having a dog:
"I believe that dogs are good for one's health 100%. From the time I was a todler to the present; our family has owned a total of sixteen dogs. Each dog's date of birth and date of death was marked and entered into our pet book.

At the present, we own six dogs. To become a dog owner is a person who is been showered with blessings from God above! Dogs love you for WHO you are, not WHAT you have. Dogs give unconditional love! And while the responsibility can sometimes give one a headache; the joy of ownership is measured in complete devotion of the dog to his or her owner!

Having had dogs since I was a child I can say.....God provided dogs as a way as an emotional outlet for loneliness and depression. And it is from my own personal experience that dogs understand more about human inneundo's, language, vocabulary, non-verbal body language to a remarkable degree that can be described as on a "spiritual plane". Ask any child psychologist as to what kind of therapy for children would be considered the best overall therapy and most child pschiatrists would recommend "pet therapy". Unconditional love, understanding, companionship 24/7 and someone who is always ready to listen to your problems, your fears, and your victories or happy memories!

I guess I will ALWAYS have a dog! Besides, they are always there when you need them the most, and rest assured, they never let your down! If I would ever meet someone my pet did not like.......I will trust my pet's judgement! They are always right!

I can not feel sympathy towards those who do not like animals or would take the time to welcome animals into their lives! The benefits of having dogs (or cats, or horses) is just beginning to be seen through the lenses of the scientists. But God Almighty and those who have always had a dog in their household know that dogs are gifts from Him to those who treasure the love and daily companionship which dogs give to their owners.....no questions asked 24/7 !!!!!!!"
There are even proof of reports and researches on how having pets actually help in giving us a
healthier life, one in this site http://www.usnews.com/blogs/on-medicine/2008/3/7/my-dog-may-be-good-for-my-health.html#15959

According to Dr Deborah Wells, a psychologist from Queen's University, Belfast:
"It is possible that dogs can directly promote our well-being by buffering us from stress, one of the major risk factors associated with ill-health. The ownership of a dog can also lead to increases in physical activity and facilitate the development of social contacts, which may enhance both physiological and psychological human health in a more indirect manner."
(adapted from BBC News, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6279701.stm)

Also, related links on news on BBC, check out:


Now, wouldn't you consider having a dog or cat or even a fish? =)

27 March, 2008

Real stories of pets that saved their owner's lives!

"After the death of my first cat, my mom was afraid I wouldn't be able to duel with the pain. So she brought me to the humane society and I adopted a kitten. The staff there told her not to get him - he was horrible with people and very grumpy. My mom picked him up anyways, and he started purring. The lady was surprised and shocked. I guess it was just destiny!

My dad named him DIESLE because he purred really loud and sounded like a diesle engine.
We'd only had him for a little while when one morning he started licking my dad's face and purring in his ear. Dad woke up and heard a crackling sound outside. What he thought was just rain turned out to be a roaring fire! That soon led to fear and panic. Without this miracle we call Diesle, we might not have woken up in time to get out of the house! And even though I'm only 11, I think destiny has strange ways of talking to us, and we should never underestimate our best friends. "- Daniela (adapted from PawsperousPets.com)

ok, if that doesn't sound that convincing, this from the news (which obviously is ReAL) should convince you....=)

ORLANDO, Fla. - A 17-pound beagle named Belle is more than man’s best friend. She’s a lifesaver.
Belle was in Washington, D.C., on Monday to receive an award for biting onto owner Kevin Weaver’s cell phone to call 911 after the diabetic man had a seizure and collapsed.
“There is no doubt in my mind that I’d be dead if I didn’t have Belle,” said Weaver, 34, whose blood sugar had dropped dangerously low. Belle had been trained to summon help in just those circumstances. She had been taught to bite down on the number 9 on his cell phone contacting 911.

Belle was the first canine recipient to win the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award, given to someone who used a cell phone to save a life, prevent a crime or help in an emergency.
Using their keen sense of smell, animals like Belle can detect abnormalities in a person’s blood-sugar levels. The dog periodically licks Weaver’s nose to take her own reading of his blood-sugar level. If something seems off to her, she will paw and whine at him.
“Every time she paws at me like that I grab my meter and test myself,” Weaver said. “She’s never been wrong.”
(taken directly from msnbc.com, 20 June 2006 news)
And there is so much more real life stories of pets saving their owners life...interested?
Type 'pet save lives' in google.com, and endless testimonials are there for you to read up on. If not, see this particular interesting article, on how 4 dogs (yes!) saved 7 lives in Canada (http://dogsinthenews.com/issues/0204/articles/020424a.htm)