My dad named him DIESLE because he purred really loud and sounded like a diesle engine.
We'd only had him for a little while when one morning he started licking my dad's face and purring in his ear. Dad woke up and heard a crackling sound outside. What he thought was just rain turned out to be a roaring fire! That soon led to fear and panic. Without this miracle we call Diesle, we might not have woken up in time to get out of the house! And even though I'm only 11, I think destiny has strange ways of talking to us, and we should never underestimate our best friends. "- Daniela (adapted from PawsperousPets.com)
ok, if that doesn't sound that convincing, this from the news (which obviously is ReAL) should convince you....=)
ORLANDO, Fla. - A 17-pound beagle named Belle is more than man’s best friend. She’s a lifesaver.
Belle was in Washington, D.C., on Monday to receive an award for biting onto owner Kevin Weaver’s cell phone to call 911 after the diabetic man had a seizure and collapsed.
“There is no doubt in my mind that I’d be dead if I didn’t have Belle,” said Weaver, 34, whose blood sugar had dropped dangerously low. Belle had been trained to summon help in just those circumstances. She had been taught to bite down on the number 9 on his cell phone contacting 911.
Belle was in Washington, D.C., on Monday to receive an award for biting onto owner Kevin Weaver’s cell phone to call 911 after the diabetic man had a seizure and collapsed.
“There is no doubt in my mind that I’d be dead if I didn’t have Belle,” said Weaver, 34, whose blood sugar had dropped dangerously low. Belle had been trained to summon help in just those circumstances. She had been taught to bite down on the number 9 on his cell phone contacting 911.
Belle was the first canine recipient to win the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award, given to someone who used a cell phone to save a life, prevent a crime or help in an emergency.
Using their keen sense of smell, animals like Belle can detect abnormalities in a person’s blood-sugar levels. The dog periodically licks Weaver’s nose to take her own reading of his blood-sugar level. If something seems off to her, she will paw and whine at him.
“Every time she paws at me like that I grab my meter and test myself,” Weaver said. “She’s never been wrong.”
Using their keen sense of smell, animals like Belle can detect abnormalities in a person’s blood-sugar levels. The dog periodically licks Weaver’s nose to take her own reading of his blood-sugar level. If something seems off to her, she will paw and whine at him.
“Every time she paws at me like that I grab my meter and test myself,” Weaver said. “She’s never been wrong.”
(taken directly from msnbc.com, 20 June 2006 news)
And there is so much more real life stories of pets saving their owners life...interested?
Type 'pet save lives' in google.com, and endless testimonials are there for you to read up on. If not, see this particular interesting article, on how 4 dogs (yes!) saved 7 lives in Canada (http://dogsinthenews.com/issues/0204/articles/020424a.htm)
Diesle and Belle are hero and heroine for me, they really such an amazing and brave pets for humans especially their owners.
They r truly precious to humans and i deeply appreciated their kindness and contributions to us.
good blogging.....overall i think this is the nice topic to talk about bcos i myself is the animal lover and all the post that you did about the animals is amaze me....haha....
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